Focus Focus Focus!!!

I pride myself on my ability to focus and have a clear vision. Both are essential to succeed. You focus by ignoring distractions and spending time and effort on that one thing. It seems simple but it’s not easy for a lot of people. Many people become overwhelmed or distracted by multiple ideas or goals and never focus on one thing until it’s complete. The best advice I heard from Tyler Perry was “Focus on one thing, on one area. Put all your energy into watering one area… and stick with it.” Watch the full video of Tyler Perry discussing the importance of focusing.


“Where there is no vision, the people perish”(Proverbs 29:18 KJV). The most important thing is to know what you want. The clearer your vision, the more likely it will come to fruition. In Steve Harvey’s Act Like A Success, Think Like A Success, Harvey provides readers with a list of questions to help them develop a clear vision and identify the necessary steps to make their dream a reality. Harvey also shares how you can make your goals SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Sensitive). He even provides lines in his book where you can begin to write down your SMART goals.


The best way you can accomplish your goal is to be focused and have a clear vision. What are your SMART goals?

Blog post written by Michellene Barrett Some Rights Reserved.


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